Welcome to the survey results from the Technology Marketing Managers’ Index, June 2020.
I invite you to compare the results with your own views. Should you be reining in, or trying to out-market your competitors? On that topic, the Budget Barometer hints that people may be increasing their marketing activity:
- Confidence has declined slightly, from 46 to 41 (where 50 is neutral)
- Budget Sentiment has improved a little
- Budget Barometer says more people expect budgets to rise than to fall
- Scroll down for detailed results.
Please watch out for and participate in the survey next month; each response helps to build a clearer picture, which in turn helps to inform your marketing decisions.
Sector analysis

Q Today, how confident are you of the company’s future prospects?
A The May confidence score of 46/100 slipped a little to 41/100 in June (sliding scale where 50 = neutral)
Comment A mild decline in confidence; answers to the next two questions look similarly balanced

Budget Sentiment
Q Compared with this month, do you expect your marketing spend next month to increase, decrease, or stay the same?
A Responses as a percentage for each category
Marketing spend | May | June | Change |
Decrease significantly | 4 | 0 | -4 |
Decrease moderately | 9.33 | 10.67 | 1.34 |
Decrease slightly | 16 | 17.33 | 1.33 |
Stay the same | 46.67 | 52 | 5.33 |
Increase slightly | 20 | 10.67 | -9.33 |
Increase moderately | 4 | 2.67 | -1.33 |
Increase significantly | 0 | 6.67 | 6.67 |
Comment Small differences between May and June. The two โsignificantlyโ decrease/increase results offer some positivity.

Budget Barometer
Q Bonus optional question: what percentage decrease or increase?
A For those 27% of respondents who answered the bonus question, 30% of them said that their marketing spend would likely decrease by 10%, while 65% said that their marketing spend would likely increase by 10% or more; see graph
Comment If you see a greater area to the right of the zero-point on the graph, the Budget Barometer is positive. In comparison, in May the average expected budget change was +6.80%, in June the average expected budget change was +13.35% – an encouraging move

Find out more here, https://strand-uk.com/mmi/, or please contact [email protected]